Showers in Transient Lodging
Posted on - Friday, November 1st, 2019Showers are not all the same. There are three types that are described in the ADA standards for showers: transfer showers, roll in showers and alternate roll in showers (which is like a hybrid between the transfer and the roll in shower). Their requirements also vary depending on where they are located.
Below are the requirements in showers, and specifically in a transient lodging facility.
Minimum number of roll in showers required
In the ADA Standards under 224 Transient Lodging there is a chart that we use to calculate how many rooms must be accessible.
There are requirements for rooms with mobility features (for persons with mobility disabilities) and there are requirements for how many rooms with communication features (rooms for persons that are either hearing impaired or visually impaired). When designing rooms with mobility features one of the requirements is to provide a minimum number of rooms with roll in showers and without roll in showers.
If you notice the chart above, note that if you have less than fifty rooms in a transient lodging facility, then you MUST provide rooms WITHOUT a roll in shower. So that would mean either a tub or a transfer shower must be provided in a certain number of rooms. All your bathing facilities cannot be roll- in-showers.
The photos below show you two bathing facilities that are not roll-in-showers:

Transfer Shower

Tub with a fixed and folding seat
If you would like to also provide roll in showers for persons with disabilities you could, but you must first provide the rooms without the roll in showers as stated in the chart. Any additional rooms provided with mobility features beyond the amount on the chart can have a roll in shower.

Transfer shower
Fixed Shower Seats
There are also requirements for seats in showers. In a typical installation that is not located in a transient lodging, the only shower that requires seats are the transfer showers. If you provide a roll in shower or an alternate roll in shower, having a seat is optional. If you do provide them then you must locate the shower controls close to the shower seat.
But in a transient lodging you MUST install a shower seat no matter what type of shower you are providing.
Part of the requirement is that the seat be fixed and either folding or non-folding, EXCEPT in a transient lodging room with a roll in shower.
608.4 Seats. A folding or non-folding seat shall be provided in transfer type shower compartments. A folding seat shall be provided in roll-in type showers required in transient lodging guest rooms with mobility features complying with 806.2. Seats shall comply with 610.
So what that means is that if you have a roll in shower that is not located in a transient lodging facility you can provide a seat that is fixed but not folding.