Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride Week in Dallas, Texas
Posted on - Saturday, March 6th, 2010On Saturday, March 27, DFW will host the Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride. In fact, March 21 – March 27 is officially Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride Week in Dallas.
The ride is registered, and not cheap: it’s $50, plus any additional donations you may be able to raise. It’s a wonderful cause, helping young disabled veterans recover an active lifestyle, and the ride is unforgettable and inspiring. PLUS–I am the ride director, and I’ve never done this before, so I am hoping some of my cycling buddies will participate!
Here is the info on the ride:
The DFW Soldier Ride starts at 10 am, Saturday, March 27 at the Dallas VA, (4500 Lancaster Rd) and winds up at the Ft Worth Police Academy.
The Wounded Warrior Project is bringing 25 disabled service vets to ride the 40 miles between Dallas and Ft Worth. Local riders are invited to join them, and form teams–it’s a registered fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project. Individuals can ride along, or support the ride as volunteers, donors, or come out to see the ride along the route.
Onsite registration will be available at 8:30am on the 27th;
Disabled vets ride free; volunteer marshals, etc. are WELCOME—call me!
The ride officially ends at 4pm with the mayor of Ft Worth at the Police Academy, and there are a number of cool events in downtown Ft Worth that day. Those who wish, will have a free train ride back to Dallas—bikes are fine on the train.
Thanks for passing this around–please mention the event, post it to your site, and let people know we want them!
PS—we are on facebook, too!
Thank you,
Maribeth Lipscomb
Ride Director, Dallas
Officer Allen Speed
Ride Director, Ft Worth
John DiCarlantonio
National Ride Director