The 2010 Standards for Accessible Design have finally been published
Posted on - Thursday, September 16th, 2010The final regulations implementing changes to Title II and III Regulations was published today, September 15, 2010 in the Federal Register.
The revised regulations amend the Department’s Title II regulation, 28 C.F.R. Part 35, and the Title III regulation, 28 C.F.R. Part 36.
Appendix A to each regulation includes a section-by-section analysis of the rule and responses to public comments on the proposed rule.
Appendix B to the Title III regulation discusses major changes in the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and responds to public comments received on the proposed rules.
Implementation dates:
• The final rules will take effect March 15, 2011
• Compliance with the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design is permitted as of September 15, 2010, but NOT REQUIRED until March 15, 2012.
You can access the final rules implementing Title II on the Federal Register Website at: (HTML Version) (PDF Version)
You can access the final rules implementing Title III on the Federal Register Website at: (HTML Version) (PDF Version)
Appendix B to Final Title III Regulation: (Analysis of the 2010 ADA Standards is available at: (HTML Version) (PDF Version)
The US Department of Justice has prepared several fact sheets that discuss the changes to the regulations and they are available as follows:
Highlights of the Final Rule to Amend the Department of Justice’s Regulation Implementing Title II of the ADA
Highlights of the Final Rule to Amend the Department of Justice’s Regulation Implementing Title III of the ADA
Adoption of the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design
If this is confusing to you, I wrote a guide all about the new guidelines with photographs and commentary check out our book “The ADA Companion Guide” published by John Wiley & Sons. I have a discount code for our subscribers if you visit my website