New parking requirements in Texas
Posted on - Tuesday, September 1st, 2020Introduction
In Texas, Beginning Aug. 1, 2020, a new rule from The Texas Department of Licensing of Regulation relating to markings and signage required for Accessible Parking Spaces went into effect. Rule 68.104 (Texas Administrative Code) implements House Bill 3163, passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019. The Elimination of Architectural Barriers (EAB) Advisory Committee recommended adoption of the rule during its June 15, 2020 meeting, and it was adopted by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation at their June 30, 2020, meeting.
All projects registered with TDLR on or after August 1, 2020 must comply with the rule, as well as Texas Accessibility Standards requirements related to parking spaces. Any new or alteration construction projects that begin on or after August 1, 2020 (including those that do not meet the $50,000 threshold requiring registration with TDLR), must also satisfy the rule if they include accessible parking requirements. Rule 68.104 is available on TDLR’s Elimination of Architectural Barriers webpage.
Rule 68.104 is available on TDLR’s Elimination of Architectural Barriers webpage.
68.104. Accessible Parking Spaces.
(New section effective August 1, 2020, 45 TexReg 5166)
- (a) A paved accessible parking space must include:
- (1) the International Symbol of Accessibility painted conspicuously on the surface in a color that contrasts the pavement;
(2) the words “NO PARKING” painted on any access aisle adjacent to the parking space. The words must be painted:
- in all capital letters;
- with a letter height of at least twelve inches, and a stroke width of at least two inches; and
- centered within each access aisle adjacent to the parking space and;

These images are from California Code Title 24 but it is very close to what TDLR is requiring
(3) a sign identifying the consequences of parking illegally in a paved accessible parking space. The sign must:
- at a minimum state “Violators Subject to Fine and Towing” in a letter height of at least one inch;
- be mounted on a pole, post, wall or freestanding board;
- be no more than eight inches below a sign required by Texas Accessibility Standards, 502.6; and
- be installed so that the bottom edge of the sign is no lower than 48 inches and no higher than 80 inches above ground level.
- (b) A parking space identification sign that complies with Texas Accessibility Standards, 502.6, that includes the requirements in subsection (a)(3)(A) satisfies subsection (a)(3).

This sign complies with TAS 502.6 which is acceptable for the new requirements