Expand your sphere of influence with the disabled community
Posted on - Tuesday, June 29th, 2010We are looking for Sponsors for the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Dallas Texas. Join this great day!
Thank you to our sponsors so far:
AIA Dallas, TRASA, RTP Codes Consultants, Fast Signs, Abadi Accessibility
The Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Texas Registered
Accessibility Specialists Association are coordinating a day of programs to enhance accessibility
awareness of the momentous civil rights law for the disabled community. The federal
government’s civil rights law was instigated in an effort to eliminate the architectural and cultural
barriers that exist for the disabled citizens of the United States of America.
Please consider being a financial contributor for this very special day in the history of America
by becoming a sponsor. All proceeds will be donated to accessibility Ramp projects on the
campus of The University of Texas at Arlington. The categories of sponsorship opportunities are as follows:
Hero: $1,000
AIA Affiliate membership which gives you the opportunity to do three lunch and learns to our
members and other benefits. Mention in all published literature, and email campaigns with your
logo and links to your website ,free admission to the Texas Discovery Gardens event, free July
issue of Columns magazine and verbal mention in all the events of the day.
Supporter: $500
Mention in all published literature, and email campaigns with your logo and links to your
website, free admission to the Texas Discovery Gardens event, free July issue of Columns
magazine, andverbal mention in all the events of the day.
Advocate: $350
Mention in all published literature, and email campaigns with your logo, free July issue of
Columns magazine and verbal mention in all the events of the day.
Friend: $150
Logos in all printed material, free July issue of Columns magazine, Verbal mention in all the
events of the day
For more information or to donate contact Marcela Abadi Rhoads, AIA RAS at
marhoads@abadiaccess.com or 214-403-8714