Inspector’s Corner
Posted on - Sunday, September 23rd, 2012After I sent last month’s newsletter I felt like we all need a break from learning theory and maybe see how it all applies! This newsletter shares with you some interesting violations that I found during inspections this past year.
Inspector’s Corner: Grab bars
The 2010 ADA and 2012 TAS has new requirements for grab bars as they relate to objects mounted above or beneath the grab bar. If a toilet paper dispenser is mounted below the grab bar, there needs to be a 1 1/2″ space between the bottom of the grab bar and the top of the toilet paper dispenser. This is so that a person can hold the grab bar and wrap their hand all the way around the grab bar. In this inspection I noticed that the toilet paper was too close to the grab bar
Inspector’s Corner: level changes
An accessible route is required to be stable, firm and slip resistant. It doesn’t necessarily need to be smooth. You are allowed to have uneven surfaces along the route, but you still have to make sure that the changes in level along the route is no higher than 1/4″, and the gaps between the ground surface should not be wider than 1/2″.
Flagstone is allowed to be used, but I inspected a path with flagstone that was not laid properly and some of the stones were higher than 1/4″ than the adjacent surfaces and the grout joints were wider than 1/2″
Inspector’s Corner: Signage
The 2010 ADA and 2012 TAS both have a new requirement for signage. There needs to be an 18″x18″ clear floor space in front of the signage. This allows a person to stand in front of the sign to read it. At one of my inspections I saw a drinking fountain at the clear floor space. Because this is a new rule, this sign was a safe harbor. In other words, the owner will not have to move the drinking fountain out of the way. But in the future, they will need to design the sign without obstructions.
Inspector’s Corner: Just for fun!
We don’t always have to take ourselves so seriously…..
Here are some funny photos my clients send to me just for fun! Enjoy
Urinals must have a clear floor space in front
Do you think this will work?
Interesting solution!
The toilet paper should be located somewhat within reach range. What do you think?
They get an “A” for effort!
I think this is the parking at “LegoLand” 😉
My friend Jeromy Murphy RAS #489 created this video about slopes. It is really well done and I think you will enjoy it.
Continuing Education Opportunities
September 5th- AIA Dallas Procrastinator’s day
September 12th- CSI’s Construct Show at Phoenix Arizona
November 2- International Facilities Managers Association Convention in San Antonio, Texas
If you want to learn more about the new Standards, The ADA Companion Guide explains the 2004 ADAAG Guidelines with commentary and explanations throughout. The 2004 Guidelines were adopted by the DOJ to create the 2010 Standards and by Texas to create the 2012 TAS. This book explains the technical requirements for both.
Abadi Accessibility