Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations
Posted on - Wednesday, February 1st, 2023Electrical Vehicles are very popular and the need for Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (EV) has been on the rise. Even though there were electrical vehicles before the ADA Standards were published and there were Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (EV), the ADA did not have requirements for accessible electrical vehicle parking or charging stations. The US Department of Energy did issue a directive on work place EV stations, but it has not been adopted as part of the ADA.
“As the U.S. Department of Justice has not issued formal accessibility guidelines addressing electric vehicle charging stations, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation issues the following technical clarifications until such time as federal standards become available and are adopted”.The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) issued Technical Memo TM 2012-01 which gives the requirments for the electrical vehicle charging parking spaces and this newsletter will explain and give examples.
Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations
Per TM 2012-01: “If electric charging stations are provided in new or existing parking lots, parking garages or other location containing parking spaces, twenty percent (20%) but not less than one, of each type of charging station in each cluster on a site shall meet the following criteria:
In the photo above, there are no accessible EV stations. 20% but not less than one of these electrical vehicle charging stations are required to be provided for persons with disabilities.
Each cluster of electrical vehicle charging spaces will have to comply with the 20% rule.
Controls and operating mechanisms for the accessible charging station shall comply with TAS 309 and shall be within the forward reach ranges specified in TAS 308.2;
Size of Vehicle spaces and access aisle
Per TM 2012-01: The vehicle space(s) with the accessible charging station shall be at least 96 inches wide and shall provide a 36 inch wide (minimum) accessible route complying with TAS 402 on both sides of the vehicle space to allow the user adequate space to exit their vehicle and access both sides of the vehicle.
Directional and informational signage complying with TAS 216.3/703.5 shall designate the location of the accessible charging stations.
Some recommendations: NOT MANDATORY
Striping of the accessible routes is recommended but not required.
The striping at the accessible route is not required, but it is advisory to provide it. This is an image from the California code
The International Symbol of Accessibility shown in the accessible electrical vehicle charging station parking space is not rerquired. The photo above shows the symbol, but it does not meet the minimum requirements in Texas or California