October 2024: 2017 ICC ANSI A117.1 vs. 2009 ICC ANSI A117.1 and 2010 ADA

Posted on - Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

Accessibility Codes and Standards Codes

There are many different accessibility codes, standards and guidelines that we are required to use when we design. The two most prevelant codes for commercial and public accommodations is the IBC required ICC ANSI and the 2010 ADA Standards. They are very similar but the new ICC ANSI which is the 2017 version has several significant changes which do not harmonize with the ADA. When two codes/standards don’t agree, designers must use the MOST STRINGENT.

This newsletter will explain five main changes. The 2010 ADA has the same technical standards as the 2009 ICC ANSI in the five examples I am presenting in the newsletter.

Turning Space

The 2017 ICC ANSI Standards changed and increased the size of the turning space

  • Turning Circle:In A117.1-2017, the circle has expanded to 67” in diameter and only 10” of it is permitted to overlap knee and toe clearance.
  • T-Shaped Turn: The previous T-shaped turn was a 60”x60” square with 12”x24” cutouts. A117.1-2017 gives three options for a T-shaped turn, as shown in the image below.

The first option is 68”x60” and has two 16”x24” portions removed from two corners with an 8”x8” chamfered interior corner. The second and third options are both 64”x60” with either 11”x22” or 12”x20” rectangles removed from two corners on one side. One arm or the base of each T-shaped turn option is permitted to overlap knee and toe clearance extending below an element.

Clear Floor Space

The clear floor space increased from 30″x48″ to 30″x52″

Clear Widths

The clear width in the 2010 ADA and the 2009 ICC ANSI A117.1 were a minimum of 36″ and it was allowed to narrow to 32″ when a 24″ length was being crossed.

The 2017 ICC ANSI A117.1 on the interior remains 36″ clear width, but the reduction of 32″ is only allowed every 52″ apart.

On the exterior the clear width increased to 48″ minimum


Push side door maneuvering clearance

The 2010 ADA Standards and the 2009 ICC ANSI A117.1 requires 48″ length for maneuvering clearance on the push side.

The 2017 ICC ANSI A117.1 increased to 52″ in length on the push side of the door.

Electrica Vehicle Charging Station

Transient lodging changes

The 2017 ICC ANSI A117.1 added requirements height of mattresses in transient lodging guest rooms and added requirements for motorized wheelchairs for charging and transfer space. This is not required by the 2010 ADA or the 2009 ICC ANSI A117.1